
Saturday, April 6, 2013

End of Lent!

I forgot to tell you guys something! Lent is over and I can get on Chicken Smoothie! Hehe! Don't you just feel so happy for me? Probably not. Lent ended 6 days ago on Easter! The day before Easter I stayed up late waiting for midnight to come so I could get on CS!  I watched every minuted pass by. Not really, but when that 12 minute mark crept by I did! I am now active on CS again, but as much not as before, I guess? Something's changed and I'm not quite sure what...
This is the seventh entry in my 'notebook'.


Sorry I have't been on in a while! I have been doing important things like going to school.  But to celebrate my coming back, I have some animations that I want to show you guys!

Isn't it adorable!

Thanks Jeremy! 
Neko Ninja!

That's enough animations for now. I may put more up later, but I have a song that is really good that I want you guys to check it out! It just touches my heart (not literally).

Well, that will be about it for now!
This is my sixth entry in my 'notebook'.