
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Something for all the Girlies

I have found this blog that has things to help you get through high school and to get you to college. There are lots of tips and I thought that I should make a quick post to all of you girls. Some of the things could help out you guys too but you know. The blog is called "ToGetHerThere", so yeah. Here is the link: Aren't you all so thankful to me for giving you a resource to help you? Haha just kidding, just kidding. Though I do hope that this link will help out at least one of you out there. As long as I help at least one person then I'm happy.
This is the seventeenth entry in my 'notebook'.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Spread the Happiness!!!

Do you guys ever have those days when you just feel sad or down or depressed? I know I do and those feelings STINK. I know that sometimes the best things that will get my happier are a few words of encouragement, some tips, and/or some songs that make me happy! So, I will give you all of it! Here are some videos by Emma Blackery (oh, and just to warn you guys, she does cuss so if you don't want to hear bad words, don't watch the videos):

Now for some songs to bring up your happiness level!

There you guys go! If watching the videos and listening to the songs didn't make you happier at least they made me happier! Ahhh... Can you feel all the happiness in the air? If you can, it's coming from you! So this is what I want you guys to do, spread happiness! Go up to someone and give them a hug, say something nice to someone, sing to someone, anything! When other people are happy it makes me really happy. Seeing bright and happy expressions on peoples' faces fills me with joy so I hope that this post has made you happy!
This is the sixteenth entry in my 'notebook'.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Christmas, My Birthday, and... LOVE

It is now December!!! Bring on Christmas! I can't wait! My grandma and sister has started to put up the Christmas tree and the radio has started playing Christmas songs.... Ahhh... So nice.... This is one of my favorite holidays. Beside that my birthday has passed and I am now a year older! I am getting older and I start to realize that I am now in the age group that is frequently in the books I read. The books with the main characters that go on adventures and find true love. Ew... I just disgusted myself just now. True love is so vague and nowadays I don't think there really is. Too many heartbreak and lose around me lately. Not that I've ever been in love or even had a crush or been in a relationship. The most I know about this topic is as much as I've seen on T.V. or what has been going on around me. Is my heart cold and locked up? Maybe not cold but it definitely is locked up. It's to dangerous to go around letting anyone pick up my heart. I do not wear my heart on my sleeve. At least I don't think so. I rather be single forever than let myself get hurt. My friends say that it would be better to live a life of risk than to live a "safe" life. I still plan on having kids.... adopting kids that is. To many humans in the world as it is.... If you guys have any advice on this subject for me please tell me. I like hearing others opinion so please tell me. I'm used to people telling me that I'm ridiculous so bring it on.
This is the fifteenth entry in my 'notebook'.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Lovely Music Spam

So I'm having one of my days where I'm listening to a bunch of songs by only one artist and this time it's Natasha Bedingfield. Yes, the beautiful, talented Natasha Bedingfield. Her music is sooooo good. Every time I hear a song of hers, I just have to stop doing what I'm doing and sing along. Her songs MOVE me. That's how good they are. At least in my opinion. Here are some songs I think everyone may enjoy:

Don't worry everyone! There are more wonderful songs by her. Just look her up on YouTube and you can find them! 
This is the fourteenth entry in my 'notebook'.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Not So Happy Day

Right now I'm at school and I thought, 'Hey, I haven't been on this thing in awhile. Why don't I grace my subjects with my presence?' Just kidding. I came on here while I have some free time. The reason I'm using my free time this way is to brood. That's right. BROOD. Right now I'm feeling very peeved because I got a CHECK MINUS on my paper because I used phrases like 'I deserve' or 'I think I should get'. The paper I had to do is a reflection piece on how I did over the past week. In the paper, I would state what grade I felt I should get. A check minus, check, or check plus. I so humbly said that I deserve a check and my advisory teacher gave me a check minus! So, right now I'm trying to get my feelings out. Communicate my feelings if you will. I may not be the most intelligent person out in the universe, but I KNOW I deserved AT LEAST a check! I'm a person who doesn't take unfair grades lightly.

Now that I'm starting to feel better, I suppose I must start on my next SAR now. I will send you guys some more stuff later, and if you're curious about me doing another Sims update, I probably won't. So much work so little time, you know?
This is the thirteenth entry in my 'notebook'.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Moriko Yenna- post 1

So I've been playing The Sims 3 lately and have created a new character. Her name is Moriko Yenna. The Traits she has are: Genius, Eccentric, Loves the Cold, and.... eh. Right now I can't remember all the rest but here.

This is the house she bought when she first moved into town. It's a one bedroom, one bath place. This is a picture of what it looks like after she added some important things. She bought it fully furnished thinking that it would be FULLY furnished. Nope. The sims who made the place forgot to put in a bed and dinning table!

This is what it looked like before she added her bed, dinning table, and installed some more lights.

After moving in all the furniture, she was feeling kind of peckish and was in the mood for a salad (one of the only things she knew how to make) and made one for the first time!

After that, she decided to go to the dump and collect some scrap. She wiped the whole place out!

Since she had been wanting one for a while, she bought herself a worktable so she can make things. The thing was madly expensive and almost wiped her out. She better find a job soon.

The next day, Moriko heard that a Summer festival would be going on so she decided to stop by.

The first thing she did when she got there was get a snow cone. She loved it and it help to keep her cool under the blazing sun.

After finishing her treat, she decided to practice some soccer and enter a hot dog eating contest. She won since there was no one for her to battle.

After that she got her face painted. The theme is mystic I think.

Soon after, she felt like roller bladeing (or blading???). 

Soon this guy came along and decided to join her. They even twirled together though they don't know each other. I think she had a good time doing it.

She started to feel sleepy after her long day at the festival but she wasn't leaving till she got to see the fireworks.

Ooo! Ahh! And all that. That's pretty much how her second day in a new town started and ended. Putting all these pictures up are a lot harder then I previously thought it would be. But I think with some practice, I'll be able to get the hang of it.

This is the twelfth entry in my 'notebook'. 

Thursday, July 18, 2013

My Woes for the Summer.

School is about to start in a few weeks! Like two, two and a half, or something like that. Well, my summer vacation went out the window; if you can call it a summer vacation. A week after school ended I had summer school (not that I needed it) for four weeks. After that I had two weeks for a break now I have another summer school to go to for two weeks! Oh, what a great summer this has been so far. So I need some cheering up. I'm gonna put a few animations up for me and anyone else who needs somethings funny to look at.

I found these all hilarious and they just made me so happy, especially the relatable post. Lazy... Pfft... It feels so good to laugh! Laughing instantly lifts my despairing spirit. Well, I hoped you all like the gifs as much as I did and have a happy summer!
This is my eleventh entry in my 'notebook'.

Personality Tests!

I love taking personality tests and lately I've been doing more than usual. Here is some of them:

Right Brain||||||||||||50%
Left Brain||||||||||||||58%
*results won't usually add up to 100% as this test measures each side seperately 

Left brain dominant individuals are more orderly, literal, articulate, and to the point. They are good at understanding directions and anything that is explicit and logical. They can have trouble comprehending emotions and abstract concepts, they can feel lost when things are not clear, doubting anything that is not stated and proven.

Right brain dominant individuals are more visual and intuitive. They are better at summarizing multiple points, picking up on what's not said, visualizing things, and making things up. They can lack attention to detail, directness, organization, and the ability to explain their ideas verbally, leaving them unable to communicate effectively.
Overall you appear to be Left Brain Dominant

Humanmetrics Jung Typology Test™
Your Type
Introvert(56%)  Sensing(25%)  Feeling(38%)  Judging(1%)
  • You have moderate preference of Introversion over Extraversion (56%)
  • You have moderate preference of Sensing over Intuition (25%)
  • You have moderate preference of Feeling over Thinking (38%)
  • You have marginal or no preference of Judging over Perceiving (1%)

When it comes to coming out victorious in competitions and the like, I do love beating boys.Right brain describes me pretty well though so does the left side. I am pretty introverted. Like a vampire. When I see the sun after hours in a dark room, it's like 'nooooooo! It burns!'
This is my tenth entry in my 'notebook'.

No More YouTube Videos

So the day after I put up those YouTube videos, my mom told me take them down. I still have them on my computer, buuuuuuut you know how it is. Your mom tells you that you have a chance of being sued by people and you instantly listen. So yeah. The only way that I would probably ever put up more videos is if they were made by me. Which is not likely since I'm not really into all that.
This is the ninth entry in my 'notebook'.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

My First Video!

Today officially marks the first time I made and uploaded a video on YouTube! Today I guess I was just feeling really artistic and wanted to do something different then sit up all day in bed and read. The video is just a song from Adele but I feel good about it. The quality of the song is preeeeetty good if I do say so myself. Here's the video so you all can see and hear just how good I did.

See? See? It's veeeeeery nice.
This is the eighth entry in my 'notebook'.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

End of Lent!

I forgot to tell you guys something! Lent is over and I can get on Chicken Smoothie! Hehe! Don't you just feel so happy for me? Probably not. Lent ended 6 days ago on Easter! The day before Easter I stayed up late waiting for midnight to come so I could get on CS!  I watched every minuted pass by. Not really, but when that 12 minute mark crept by I did! I am now active on CS again, but as much not as before, I guess? Something's changed and I'm not quite sure what...
This is the seventh entry in my 'notebook'.


Sorry I have't been on in a while! I have been doing important things like going to school.  But to celebrate my coming back, I have some animations that I want to show you guys!

Isn't it adorable!

Thanks Jeremy! 
Neko Ninja!

That's enough animations for now. I may put more up later, but I have a song that is really good that I want you guys to check it out! It just touches my heart (not literally).

Well, that will be about it for now!
This is my sixth entry in my 'notebook'.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Change of Name!

   Yup, it's official- I decided to change the name of this 'blog' everyone. I know I said I would change the name of this thing sometime in my first 'notebook' entry, but apparently sometime is now. So yes, enjoy the new name!
This is my fifth entry in my 'notebook'.

Manga/ Manwha List 1

      Here's a list of just some of the manga/manhwa I have read or am currently reading:

SAKURA TAISEN KANADEGUMI- Reading- So far so good!
BOKU NO UCHI NI OIDE- Reading- So far so good!
TIARA- Reading- Very good!
GAKUEN ALICE- Reading- My favorite!
SEIYUU KA-!- Reading- Very good!
THE LEGEND OF SUN KNIGHT- Reading- Could be better
1/2 PRINCE- Reading- So funny!
LAST GAME- Reading- Very good!
OH! MY PRINCE- Reading- Could be better
ARISA- Reading- Pretty good
ZODIAC P.I.- Done reading- Pretty good
HIIRO OUJI- Reading- Pretty good
WILD DAMON- Done reading- So funny!
MARIA PPOINO!- Reading- Pretty good
KAMIKAMI KAESHI- Reading- So far so good!
KAMI KA AKUMA KA- Reading- Could be better
MEGANE OUJI- Reading- So far so good!
FUTARI NO HIMITSU- Reading- So far so good!
HANAMEGURI AWASE- Reading- So far so good!
USOTSUKI LILY- Reading- So good!
TOKYO INNOCENT- Reading- So good!
BOKU WA OOKAMI-Done reading- Pretty good
ANGEL DIARY- Done reading- Could be better
M TO N NO SHOUZOU- Reading- So far so good!

     These books are the ones that I didn't give up on and felt were worth reading. Don't get me wrong, I love reading mangas/manhwas, but there's always some (I mean a lot) that to me aren't very good and the plots over used. 
     This is all I feel like putting on right now, but feel free to click the links I attached and check them out for yourselves. My thoughts on the mangas/manwhas are my opinions and mine alone. If you ever find a book that you liked and think that I might like it too, feel free to suggest one to me.
This is my fourth entry in my 'notebook'.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Haters Gonna Hate

    Ok, I know I just posted something about Chicken Smoothie, but I just found out that people have made hate blogs about it! I mean, they are a lot of annoying people on Chicken Smoothie but you don't see me making a dumb hate blog about it! Jeez!
This is my third entry in my 'notebook'.

Chicken Smoothie and Lent!

      Today is Sunday, February 17, 2013. It is 6:57 PM and I'm dying to get on Chicken Smoothie! Chicken Smoothie is a website that I absolutely am addicted to! Easter is coming up and I gave up going on Chicken Smoothie for Lent this year. That means I have to depend on my friends to get me Easter pets and the new monthly pets while I'm away from the site.
      I think that now would be a good chance to explain what Chicken Smoothie is to all of you people with those puzzled looks on your faces. Chicken Smoothie is a website where you can adopt (online) pets, role play with people, and much more! Here's the link for the site:
     Anyway! I want to get on really, really, bad! I miss role playing! *dramatically fake cries*
This is my second entry in my 'notebook'.


     Hullow and welcome to Mystic Shade! Just so you know, I may change the name of this blog sometime in the future, but for now it'll stay the name it is. Ok, let me be totally serious: I made this blog on a whim. A friend of mine suggested that I make one, you know, for fun. And this blog will be for me and pretty much about me; I plan on maybe writing randoms things that have happened in my life, my likes, my dislikes, posting poems I like, games I'm playing ect. I plan on doing what I do best: be me. If you're reading this, I don't know who you are or how you found this nor do I really care, all I know is that this 'blog' will be like a notebook for me. If you don't like what I'm saying, take your feelings elsewhere and complain to someone who'd actually care. This is my first entry in my 'notebook'.