
Sunday, February 17, 2013


     Hullow and welcome to Mystic Shade! Just so you know, I may change the name of this blog sometime in the future, but for now it'll stay the name it is. Ok, let me be totally serious: I made this blog on a whim. A friend of mine suggested that I make one, you know, for fun. And this blog will be for me and pretty much about me; I plan on maybe writing randoms things that have happened in my life, my likes, my dislikes, posting poems I like, games I'm playing ect. I plan on doing what I do best: be me. If you're reading this, I don't know who you are or how you found this nor do I really care, all I know is that this 'blog' will be like a notebook for me. If you don't like what I'm saying, take your feelings elsewhere and complain to someone who'd actually care. This is my first entry in my 'notebook'.


  1. <3 Gahh!
    I just saw my invitation today!
    Just want to let you know that I LOVE how you write.
    I didn't think you'd do this, but it's fun, right?
    I need to update mine, but KEEP UP THE FANTABULOUS WORK!

    Your ninja glitter unicorn agent friend thing whatever you call it,

  2. Thank you! I'll keep stalking yours to see if you have any updates!
