
Sunday, February 17, 2013

Chicken Smoothie and Lent!

      Today is Sunday, February 17, 2013. It is 6:57 PM and I'm dying to get on Chicken Smoothie! Chicken Smoothie is a website that I absolutely am addicted to! Easter is coming up and I gave up going on Chicken Smoothie for Lent this year. That means I have to depend on my friends to get me Easter pets and the new monthly pets while I'm away from the site.
      I think that now would be a good chance to explain what Chicken Smoothie is to all of you people with those puzzled looks on your faces. Chicken Smoothie is a website where you can adopt (online) pets, role play with people, and much more! Here's the link for the site:
     Anyway! I want to get on really, really, bad! I miss role playing! *dramatically fake cries*
This is my second entry in my 'notebook'.

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