
Thursday, July 25, 2013

Moriko Yenna- post 1

So I've been playing The Sims 3 lately and have created a new character. Her name is Moriko Yenna. The Traits she has are: Genius, Eccentric, Loves the Cold, and.... eh. Right now I can't remember all the rest but here.

This is the house she bought when she first moved into town. It's a one bedroom, one bath place. This is a picture of what it looks like after she added some important things. She bought it fully furnished thinking that it would be FULLY furnished. Nope. The sims who made the place forgot to put in a bed and dinning table!

This is what it looked like before she added her bed, dinning table, and installed some more lights.

After moving in all the furniture, she was feeling kind of peckish and was in the mood for a salad (one of the only things she knew how to make) and made one for the first time!

After that, she decided to go to the dump and collect some scrap. She wiped the whole place out!

Since she had been wanting one for a while, she bought herself a worktable so she can make things. The thing was madly expensive and almost wiped her out. She better find a job soon.

The next day, Moriko heard that a Summer festival would be going on so she decided to stop by.

The first thing she did when she got there was get a snow cone. She loved it and it help to keep her cool under the blazing sun.

After finishing her treat, she decided to practice some soccer and enter a hot dog eating contest. She won since there was no one for her to battle.

After that she got her face painted. The theme is mystic I think.

Soon after, she felt like roller bladeing (or blading???). 

Soon this guy came along and decided to join her. They even twirled together though they don't know each other. I think she had a good time doing it.

She started to feel sleepy after her long day at the festival but she wasn't leaving till she got to see the fireworks.

Ooo! Ahh! And all that. That's pretty much how her second day in a new town started and ended. Putting all these pictures up are a lot harder then I previously thought it would be. But I think with some practice, I'll be able to get the hang of it.

This is the twelfth entry in my 'notebook'. 


  1. OH MY GOSH!! I was busy the last two days and I didn't get to see that you posted a brilliant something! :D

    I love it! Moriko is very pretty. :D I love her style, too, haha XD

    I haven't experienced with the traits Eccentric and Loves the cold. What's it like?

    1. Well, I guess with Eccentric she loves to build stuff. The icon for it looks like a scientist. I haven't reached autumn or winter so I don't really know it's like.

    2. My game started in Autumn, so I guess people's start at different times :D

      I thought her house was hilarious XD "She bought it fully furnished thinking that it would be FULLY furnished. Nope. The sims who made the place forgot to put in a bed and dinning table!" HAHAHAHAHA

    3. What's Autumn like?

      Me too. But really, I just kind of looked at the place for a while kind of looking like this: -__-

    4. You have a not-Halloween day (I think it's called Spooky Day in-game) where you go trick-or-treating, and at the festival there's a haunted house, and you can pick pumpkins at the pumpkin patch and carve them into Jackolanterns XD


      Are you going to write more?
