
Thursday, May 8, 2014

Hello Fellow Earthlings!

Now you may be wondering, "Where has this lady been?!" You may have thought that I got abducted by aliens or something, but I assure you that that has not been the case. To be exact, I have been focusing on school like the good student I am. ... You see what I did there? I made it seem as if I diligently studied or something. YEAH RIGHT. I wish though. There's so many interesting things on the internet though. You finally making a post on here while I SHOULD be working on my year long project. Yup, a lot more interesting things that include reading... Speaking of reading, I have read this fantastalicous story called "To Love a Monster" on Wattpad. It really is a sparkly story. Not sparkly as in princesses and unicorns, but sparkly as in a really great book. Anyway, the story is really great. You know what would make it even better? IF THE AUTHOR UPDATED THE STORY!!! I've been waiting not so patiently for the author to update since December. This... this is upsetting. I know that the author is, what? Fourteen? But it would be really nice if she could update. Maybe she's being better than me at keeping up with her school work? That might be it.

I feel the need to give you guys something again even though I can continue to rant, so here's some "What-not"! Maybe that's what I'll call the stuff I show you guys. Hmmm...
Yes, I like me some Harry Potter.
Some cosplay spam coming up...
Ahhhh... what a beautiful bunch of "What-not". Did you see those cosplayers?! Genius! It was like they were meant to be those characters! Did you see Harley, Wasp, and those Wolverines? We can't possibly forget about the old lady who cosplayed as old Sophie from "Howl's Moving Castle" now can we? No, we can't. Well, I should probably get going on my school work. You know, got a school project and all to work on... Buh-bye for now Lovelies! Or Earthlings....
This is the twenty-third entry in my 'notebook'. 


  1. Hahaha "I'd slap you, but that'd be animal abuse".

    1. When I first saw that picture I laughed my head off. I love it so much. It fills me with mirth.
